Here is a story from my book The Caleb Chronicles called, "Dreams". Let me know what you think. If you like it, there are 12 more stories in the book. The Caleb Chronicles can be picked up online at the following sites.
“And it shall come to pass afterward, That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions” (Joel 2:28, NKJV).
Christopher awoke with a shout and drenched in a cold sweat. His heart was pounding, and he gasped for air. He was terrified of the images he saw in his dream. Holding his head in his hands, he fell back into bed. He stayed there wide-awake until dawn, too scared to go back to sleep. When morning came, Christopher went to see Caleb to tell him of his dream. When he reached the temple, Eli’Zur was outside feeding Caleb’s wolves. “Eli’Zur,” said Christopher. “Oh, Christopher, what do you need?” asked Eli’Zur. “I need to talk to Caleb. Is he here?” replied Christopher. “No,” answered Eli’Zur. “He and Wah’li’si are at the amphitheater. They’re having band practice.” “Thanks,” said Christopher as he ran off toward the theater. Christopher got to the amphitheater as they were packing up their instruments. He called out, “Caleb, Caleb!”
“Christopher,” said Caleb with a smile. “Caleb, I need to talk to you,” said Christopher, out of breath from running. “All right,” replied Caleb. “Let’s go sit down.” They walked about halfway down the aisle and found some seats. “What’s wrong Christopher?” “I had a dream last night.” He buried his face in his hand and rested his elbows on his knees. Caleb leaned forward and put his hands on Christopher’s back and said, “Tell me about it.” “All right, I’ll try. I was standing in the middle of a valley. I had never been there before. There were no trees, and the sky was blood red. All around me, everywhere, there laid bodies, bodies of dead people—men and women all dead, but there were no children.” “How did they die?” asked Caleb. “They all had the same wounds,” replied Christopher. “They all had these deep cuts across their foreheads, deep gashes in their wrists, and holes in their feet. And something else—they were all wet from head to toe. But there was no water in sight and the ground was dry. Then as I fell to my knees and started to cry, a man of ancient times walked up to me and said, ‘Son, why do you cry?’ Then he reached down and helped me to my feet. I asked him what happened to the people and where the children were. “He answered me saying, ‘The children are complete.’ Then he reached his hand out, stuck it in my chest, and pulled out my heart! He held it in front of my face! It was glowing bright! Then he said, ‘A perfect heart.’ With his other hand, he pointed to the mass of dead people and said to me, ‘They have become like you.’ Then I woke up! What does it mean, Caleb? What does it mean?” Caleb stood and was about to speak when Logan appeared and said, “Caleb, sorry to interrupt, but I had a dream last night, and it bothered me very badly.” Logan looked over at Christopher and said, “And you were in it, man.” “Tell us about it. I had a dream last night too,” said Christopher. Caleb put his feet in his seat and sat on the back of his chair. Logan started pacing, and then began telling his dream. “I was standing on top of a high mountain. There was a valley on each side of the mountain. I saw Christopher talking to an old man. They were standing in the middle of the valley surrounded by dead bodies. Bodies were everywhere, but you know, there were no children.” “Dude!” said Christopher. “You just described my dream, man.” “Continue, Logan,” said Caleb. “What else happened?” “Well,” said Logan, still pacing. “When I looked to the other side of the mountain, I saw a great multitude of people. They were alive, but they were in much pain. I saw no wounds, but they all cried out in pain. Again, there were no children. None at all! Then from the sky I saw mighty angels come down and move among the people. There were hundreds of them wearing white robes and gold sashes. They carried these black bags that hung at their sides. The people acted like they didn’t see them. Then, all of a sudden from behind me, I heard a voice. It sounded like thunder!” “What did the voice say?” asked Christopher excitedly. “It said, ‘They are not like you. They wish to remain. Now, for their reward!’ When the voice stopped, the angels stuck their right hand into the black bags they carried and pulled out a handful of red and black live worms and started dropping them on the heads of the people. As they did this, the people screamed in pain even louder and began to grind their teeth. When I turned to see the voice, no one was there. I fell to my knees and began to cry for the people. And then I woke up. Caleb, what does this mean? How did I see Christopher in his dream? What’s going on?” Just then, Caleb looked up and standing beside him listening to what was being said was James, an artist and songwriter. “Caleb,” he said. “I too had a dream.” He looked at Christopher and Logan and then said, “And you guys were in it.” Christopher jumped up, grabbed James, and had him sit in his seat. “Tell us, man.” Caleb never said a word. He just motioned with his hand for James to begin. “In my dream, I was standing on the side of a mountain. On the side of the mountain behind me was a cave opening. It was too dark to see inside it. When I looked down, I noticed my feet weren’t on the mountain, but they were on what looked like transparent gold, a thin layer of gold that stretched across the valley before me. Then my body felt like it was burning up on the inside. I reached up and opened my shirt. When I did, my chest opened up and fire came out and stood before me like a pillar. Then a hand came from the pillar and touched my chest. When it did, my skin closed up. The pillar of fire moved out over the valley and hovered over the center. As I stood watching, a voice came from the fire saying, ‘Come.’ So, I went to where the fire was walking on the thin layer of gold that stretched across the valley. When I reached the fire, the voice came to me again saying, ‘With your eyes wide open, look and see!’ I looked down through the gold beneath my feet and I saw Christopher and Logan on their knees crying. They were all alone in the middle of this valley crying. Without looking up, I asked the voice from the fire why they were crying. The voice said, ‘One cries for those who have become. And one cries for those who will never be. And both cry for those they haven’t seen. Turn and look from where you came.’ “When I turned around to look at the mountain, the cave that was there opened up wide, and a bright light shown inside. Then out of nowhere appeared seven mighty angels with great swords standing in front of the opening of the cave. Then the voice spoke again saying, ‘Go and see what they haven’t seen.’ So I walked over to the cave and looked past the angels into the cave.” “What was inside the cave, James?” asked Logan. “Thousands of children,” answered James. “Children, in a cave?” asked Christopher. “Inside the cave,” continued James, “was another valley with trees and green grass. There was even a lake. The children were playing and having fun. When I looked back at the pillar of fire, I was back in my bed. Caleb, can you tell me the meaning?” Caleb stood and looked to the sky. He said nothing as he lifted his hands, palms up, above his head. Christopher, Logan, and James bowed their heads and remained silent. “Thank you,” said Caleb. Christopher, Logan, and James looked up and saw Caleb smile and bring his hands down, keeping his palms up. He then brushed his hands in front of his face, breathing in as if smelling something wonderful. “The Timeless-One has revealed the meaning of the dreams to me,” said Caleb. Caleb sat on the aisle floor between the seats and began to explain, “This was a special gift the Lord gave you guys. These were more than dreams and visions. These were spirit journeys.” “No way,” said Christopher in disbelief
“Yes,” continued Caleb. “You were all in the spirit world, in God’s realm. The Timeless-One was showing you the spiritual side of the physical. “Christopher, you were in a valley of dead bodies with wounds on their foreheads, wrists, and feet. And they were wet from head to toe. The Lord appeared to you as an ancient one. The people are those who have turned to worship the Timeless-One, and their spirits are dead to the world. They carry the marks of Christ. The marks on the forehead are made by thorns. The marks on the wrists and feet are made by the nails, for their spirit was crucified with Christ. They are wet because they have been baptized. ‘They have become like you.’ “Logan, you saw Christopher because you were in the spirit world at the same time. You saw people without wounds walking around, but they were in pain. The Timeless-One came to you as a voice. Now, the voice said, ‘They are not like you. They wish to remain.’ Those people did not turn from their evil ways. They do not worship our Lord. They do not wear the marks of Christ. Their spirit is tormented by the worms of hell. These worms will torment them even when their bodies die. “And James, in the spirit world, you saw Logan and Christopher crying over the people, and the children they didn’t see, but you saw them. The Lord appeared to you as a pillar of fire and revealed to you that the children are protected by guardian angels and sheltered by the Mighty Rock of Offense. Lastly, the fire represents the power of the Holy Spirit. “Take delight, gentlemen, in these spirit journeys. For the Lord has seen in each of you, greatness in faith, love, and wisdom. You each have the heart of a champion and the desire of a warrior. Remain in the Lord and His power. You are not a flame but a great fire. The spirit journeys have just begun for you. You guys are going to have many, many more travels in the spirit. Many more . . .” When Caleb was through, they all jumped to their feet, shouted to the Lord, and praised His Holy name. They worshipped the Timeless-One for over an hour. When they were finished, they talked among themselves, wondering what their next journey would be like.