Thursday, April 9, 2015

Liquid Christ

“Release these people of your spell and climb back in your hole!” yelled Christopher, “Or, we’ll send you back to hell ourselves!”

“Such a primitive world,” said the first being. “You still believe in a place called hell.”

“Don’t you?” asked Logan. “That’s where you’re from.”

“There is no heaven. There is no hell,” said another being. “You are the creator of your own world and your own destiny. You can have the mind of the Christ and the power of the Solar Logos with one drink of the liquid Christ.”


The above is taken from the story, “Liquid Christ” from, “The Caleb Chronicles”.

I find it amazing that the people who say they don’t believe in God or believe Jesus was and is the Son of God will believe they themselves are a god. That the universe is within us and that we are the Christ, we can save ourselves. Wow. Isn’t that what the serpent got Eve to believe in the garden? He said, “Eat of the tree and you will be like God.”

There are many religions that teach this type of thing, more than we think. But, the one religion that I hate the most is the religion of evolution. The evolutionists worship the god of chance and nothing. They are bent on proving we evolved by chance and there is no God. Think about the way they believe life began; first, there was nothing. This nothing was very small, and then it exploded. Now we have the universe. After billions of years life happened on earth. That takes a lot of faith to believe we are the offspring of the god Nothing. It’s sad that many people will believe in anything but God.

     We have a job to do, don’t we? Let’s give them Something to believe in.

Selah, I.H.G.

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