Sunday, March 22, 2015


In the story, “The Contest” from, “The Caleb Chronicles” Wah’li’si is sitting next to a camp fire. She desires a deeper relationship with the Timeless-One. She speaks to Him passionately, ready for a visit from the Holy Spirit.


“Breathe unto me love,

Breathe unto me life.

Breathe unto me desire.

Breathe unto me fire.

Breathe unto me life.”


Then the Lord answered her saying:


“Woman, I see in you

A passion to sing,

A passion to dance,

A passion to praise

A passion, a radiance.

I will bless you and give you your heart’s desire.”


Wah’li’si blessed and full of the Spirit spoke to the Lord again.


“Blessed art thou O Lord,

Blessed and holy.

Blessed is He who sits on the throne,

With power and glory.

Oh, a holy wonderment.”


Now, Wah’li’si breaks out in song and dance.


“Holy Wonderment,

A mystery, oh majesty.

Holy Wonderment,

A might King, the Prince of Peace.

Holy Wonderment,

The Rock did bleed, a Savior indeed,”


John 4:23,24  "But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.

 "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." (NKJV)


Enjoy this Day of Praise. Selah, I.H.G.

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