Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Heart-link
Caleb stood there and sang a song of praise to the Timeless-One:
Before darkness covered the endless space,
Before Your angels sang songs of praise,
You are.
Before You created air,
Before You called for sound,
Before You hung one star,
Before You made one heart to pound,
You are.
Glory to the Timeless-One.
“As Caleb stepped into the Valley of the Seven Death Fountains, for
a moment, he felt sick to his stomach, and his spirit was deeply grieved.
He stopped where he was and heart-linked with the Timeless- One. The
Timeless-One breathed on him and at once Caleb was at peace and was
empowered, energized, and refreshed with the Holy Spirit of the Timeless-
One. Caleb sang once again, a song of praise to the Timeless-One.”
The above is taken from, “The Invitation” from “The Caleb Chronicles”. Caleb steps into a place where there was pure evil and his spirit was grieved. Have you ever felt that way? You were some place you knew you shouldn’t be. Or you’re with someone you knew you shouldn’t be with? Or, maybe you’re watching something you shouldn’t be watching. That’s when we should stop and pray for guidance and wisdom.
Caleb, and the people of High-Rock heart-lint with the Timeless-One. Heart-linking is an intimate form of prayer. It’s surrendering yourself, your will, your thoughts, your entire being to God, the Timeless-One, and letting Him totally fill your heart, spirit, and mind. Heart-linking is linking your heart with Gods heart. Then, His will become your will, His thoughts become your thoughts, His love is now your love. Jesus prayed before He was betrayed and arrested. Jesus knew He had to be beaten and crucified to save us of our sins. He knew what was coming, so He prayed to the Father. Read part of what He said.
Luk 22:42 saying, "Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done."
Jesus heart-linked daily, and we should too. Heart-link without ceasing and always say, “Nevertheless not my will, but Yours, be done.”

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